Diabetes and Exercise: the how-tos with insulin

Are you tired of being afraid of exercising with diabetes? Or simply worn out from trying to manage your blood sugars when you do any kind of physical activity?

If you are, this course will allow you to understand why your body respond the way that it does when you exercise or play sports and how to manage those responses so that you can do the activities you love.





Lesson 1

It's time to understand how our bodies respond to exercise and how each form of activity is different for people who are insulin dependent (HEY! That's me and you!).



Lesson 2

No more being fearful of lows during exercise! It's time to understand why our blood sugars drop during cardio and what we CAN control to avoid going low.




Lesson 3

Uncover the surprising fact about strength training and what it does to our blood sugars, how to prevent that from happening, and what insulin adjustments you need to do before and after your workout for diabetes success.



Lesson 4

Discover the benefit of high intensity training and how your sport could be considered high intensity, which could explain why your blood sugars respond the way that they do.



Lesson 5

Time to learn the top tips for you to have diabetes success with exercise! Through my years of research and personal experience, I share with you how to safely exercise and tricks you can do to avoid going low, or high, while exercising.


So, if you're ready to get the most out of your workouts and/or sport and be the best you can be, join me inside Diabetes and Exercise: the how-tos with insulin! You can conquer your diabetes!



50% Complete

Two Step

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